I will unequivocally oppose any and all efforts to increase or expand taxes, and I will fight all crony payouts and pork barrel projects.
I will unequivocally oppose any and all efforts to increase or expand taxes, and I will fight all crony payouts and pork barrel projects.
Over-regulation is the enemy of job growth and economic prosperity. I will fight to continue the regulatory reform we started in 2011…
ENDORSED BY THE NRA, GRNC & NCGR. I will always work to enhance and expand your right to bear arms. I will always work to prevent the restriction of it.
In 2011 I was the only No vote on what has become the Common Core Quagmire. What we need is a State centered education system and not a federally mandated one.
To date, every single State in the Union, except for North Carolina, has passed some legislation pursuant to defending their State delegated powers.
We do not have the right, if we call ourselves a free society, to decide for a person what medicines are and are not allowed by law…. or decide who should be granted the right to live.
I will work to produce a North Carolina Freedom of Conscience Act, to curb federal and State enforcement action against Acts of Conscience and Faith.