Taxes & Spending

I will unequivocally oppose any and all efforts to increase or expand taxes, and I will fight all crony payouts and pork barrel projects.

Jobs & Economy

Over-regulation is the enemy of job growth and economic prosperity.  I will fight to continue the regulatory reform we started in 2011…


ENDORSED BY THE NRA, GRNC & NCGR. I will always work to enhance and expand your right to bear arms.  I will always work to prevent the restriction of it.


In 2011 I was the only No vote on what has become the Common Core Quagmire.  What we need is a State centered education system and not a federally mandated one. 

Federal Overreach

To date, every single State in the Union, except for North Carolina, has passed some legislation pursuant to defending their State delegated powers.

Health & Family Rights

We do not have the right, if we call ourselves a free society, to decide for a person what medicines are and are not allowed by law…. or decide who should be granted the right to live.

Rights of Conscience

I will work to produce a North Carolina Freedom of Conscience Act, to curb federal and State enforcement action against Acts of Conscience and Faith.

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